One day, Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal was travelling in an area where no one recognised him. He had nowhere to rest so he went to a masjid and began to rest there but the caretaker had to lock up the Masjid and didn't know the great Imam so he kicked him out. Whilst he stood outside completely stranded in foreign lands, a baker walked by and decided to invite this 'stranger' to his house. The baker didn't speak whilst walking - he just repeated, 'Astaghfirullah! Astaghfirullah! Astaghfirullah!' - when the baker reached home, he fed Imam Ahmad and then let him rest. In the middle of the night, the Imam awoke and he heard the baker alone still saying, 'Astaghfirullah!' continuously.
Imam Ahmad knew that the one who seeks forgiveness constantly is increased in provision and granted every wish according to the Qur'an so he said to the baker, 'Tell me, have you ever had a du'a not accepted?' - The baker said, 'Every du'a I ever made has been accepted except one. I have always asked Allah to allow me to meet an Imam called Imam Ahmad. He is meant to be the greatest Imam of this ummah and I'm waiting to see him! It has not happened yet but I haven't lost hope!- Imam Ahmad began to laugh and said, 'Subhan'Allah! Allah took me out my home, destined for me to travel, and then I was locked out of the mosque until I landed at your doorstep - just so your du'as could be accepted. I am Ahmad ibn Hanbal...' - Always seek forgiveness and Allah will fulfil your every wish no matter how big or impossible it might be.