This is the resting places of the Prophet's blessed, pure and noble daughters ﷺ in the Baqi graveyard. From amongst them is Sayyidah Ruqayyah, the beloved daughter of Rasulallah ﷺ passed away in Ramadan. رضى الله عنها
She became ill before the Battle of Badr so the Prophet ﷺ instructed her husband, Sayyiduna 'Uthman ibn 'Affan to stay at home and to look after after her. He gave up the greatest battle in history to look after his spouse - this was the level of his loyalty. They were described as the perfect couple and Rasūlallāh ﷺ once said, 'Have you ever seen a couple more beautiful than those two?'
After the victory and happiness of Badr, the Prophet ﷺ returned to the extremely sad news that his beloved daughter had passed away as a young woman, but even in this great hardship - gratitude and patience never left his blessed heart. May Allah increase the ranks of the noble daughter of the Prophet ﷺ and grant our women folk abodes in Jannah neighbouring this great woman. The Prophet ﷺ said that the one who has daughters and sisters - and he nurtures them with goodness then they will be a means for him to enter Jannah.