Turning to Allah for Help and Guidance
This powerful verse is situated in the middle of the verses about Ramadan.
According to Ibn Kathir, this verse appearing in the middle of the Ramadan verses is a sign that our supplications made at the completion of our fast are accepted, and thus, we should make them with utmost sincerity and devotion.
The Prophet (saw) himself said that:
'The prayer made by one who is fasting at the time of iftar is accepted" - a powerful affirmation of the significance of this time.
In fact, Abdullah Ibn Umar (ra) would assemble his family members around him at the time of iftar and would pray.
This shows us that even the companions recognized the importance of this moment and the power of supplication during this time.
So, no matter what struggles we may be going through, whether it's the loss of a loved one, health problems, financial difficulties, or family conflicts, Allah is telling us to turn to Him directly for help.
He is near to us and always ready to answer our call, provided we approach Him with complete trust and confidence.
Let us take this opportunity during Ramadan to strengthen our faith and renew our commitment to turning to Allah in times of need. For with Him, all things are possible, and the power of prayer is limitless.
#allahuakbar #ramadan2023 #Dua