Imam Mohammed Al-Bukhari is considered as one of the most distinguished scholars of Hadith in Islamic history. His book Sahih al-Bukhari, in which the Prophet's words, actions, or habits were collected, is one of the greatest sources of the prophetic influence in history. He went through all the important centers of Islamic learning of his time, talked to scholars, and exchanged information on hadith. It is said that he heard from over 1,000 men and learned over 600,000 traditions.
His full name is Abu Abdullah Mohamed bin Ismail Al-Bukhari and was born in 194 AH (810 AD) in Bukhara, one of the present cities of Uzbekistan. His father died when he was young, and he was raised as an orphan by his mother, who educated him well and had a role in sharpening his love and passion for science.
As a child, he had a disease in his eyes which led to fears of losing his eyesight, but he was cured. He was highly intelligent as a child and had strong memory, one of the qualities that helped him later in the collection of the Prophet's words and actions (Ahadiths).
During his youth he memorized the Holy Quran and learned the basics of religion. He had memorized thousands of Ahadiths while he was still a young boy. Bukhara's atmosphere, which was then one of the centers of science, also helped him. He attended the meetings with scientists and religious scholars frequently.
He followed a strict method in Hadith, inquiring of the narrators and references, he became a symbol in this section in the good classification and scrutiny. He set conditions to accept the story of the narrator of the hadith, which is to be contemporary to those who narrated it, and to have heard the talk out of the person himself, in addition to: trust, justice, discipline, mastery, science and honesty.