Elizabeth Fatimah Cates, 'The first lady who ever converted to Islam in England' is buried here in Liverpool cemetery. She was first introduced to Islam by Shaykh Abdullah Quilliam when she was 19 years old (1887l. She heard him speaking about the religion and the Prophet ﷺ and it created a yearning in her heart for the religion. Previously, she was told that the Prophet was bad, Muslims were bloodthirsty and Islam was spread through violence (sounds familar). Abdullah Quilliam told her a total different narrative and this meeting completely changed her life.
She borrowed his Quran and took it home. Her family were Christians who were greatly against Islam. They threatened her, treated her harshly, warned her, made her life difficult, and even threatened to burn the Quran but she never backed down. She refused to let anything get in the way of the religion. She continued attending classes with Abdullah Quilliam until she accepted Islam. Eventually, her husband who was totally against Islam even accepted because of her hardwork and intentions. Her sister then accepted Islam with her within 3 months. What an incredible and immensely brave woman! She was abused and mocked but she never gave up her journey to Allah. May Allah make us people who stay firm on the religion and pass it on without alteration, compromise, or fear of being disliked
Full credit for research to Fatima Elizabeth Phrontistery
because of sister then accepted Islam with her within 3 months. What an incredible and immensely brave woman! She was abused and mocked but she never gave up her journey to Allah. May Allah make us people who stay firm on the religion and pass it on without alteration, compromise, or fear of being disliked
Full credit for research to Fatima Elizabeth Phrontistery