We can evaluate our Ramaḍān by asking ourselves the following questions:
- Did my īmān in Allah increase? What do I know about Allah that I didn’t prior to Ramaḍān? Do I feel closer to Him?
2. Did I go to Allah with a broken heart in utter desperation? Did I humble myself as a true servant of His?
3. Were there times in the month where my heart felt overwhelmed with love and gratitude for Allah?
4. Did my love for Allah’s Messenger ﷺ increase? Which sunnah am I going to start implementing in my life that I previously didn’t used to do?
5. Did my worship in Ramaḍān purify and soften my heart?
6. Did my fasting cause me to give up my bad habits?
- Which sins of the eyes and the tongue did I give up? What steps am I going to take to maintain this?
8. Did I improve my akhlāq in this month?
9. Did I become a more gentle and loving family member?
10. Did I taste the sweetness of spending in the path of Allah? Did I give charity in secret?
11. Has Ramaḍān made me more determined to continue serving the dīn of Allah and the Ummah?
12. Did I taste the sweetness of solitude with Allah at night in qiyām? Has it made me determined to continue with this good deed?
13. Did I feel a difference in the quality of my ṣalāh?
14. Did I feel emotionally connected to the Qur’ān?
15. Did I feel the closeness of Allah when making duʿā’ to Him?
16. Did I do dhikr with the presence of my heart?
17. Which one act of worship am I going to hold on to from Ramaḍān, something which I previously did not used to do?
18. What do I not want to lose of Ramaḍān?
19. Do I feel a greater level of self-control now that Ramaḍān is over?
20. If Allah gives me life, what two things will I do differently next Ramaḍān?