tale of a prophet, noble and just
Yusuf, son of Ya'qub, his story is a must
Gifted with beauty and mind, a rare blend
His brothers, envious, sought his tragic end
Thrown into a well, it seemed too late
But God's will was not to seal his fate
Rescued by strangers and sold to a king
Yusuf's life was but a pendulum's swing
Thrown into prison, his patience tested
But his faith in God never arrested
His prophecies rang true and soon he rose
Valued by the king, his wisdom glows
His brothers came seeking his forgiveness
Yusuf's heart was pure, his soul relentless
He forgave them all, and mercy prevailed
God's grace, his story was unveiled
A prophet, father, and wise, Yusuf's life
A beacon of light, in times of strife
His story, a lesson in patience and trust
On God's promise, we must all adjust