The Jews have always been a persecuted people. If you study their history, you'll find that great injustices were inflicted upon them over a period spanning thousands of years
They were systematically oppressed and treated like slaves by the Pharoah of Egypt (Ramesses) and were eventually saved by the Prophet Moses (may peace and blessings be upon him).
They were butchered by the Eastern Byantine Romans who saw them as a ruling threat since they didn't share the empire's pagan beliefs. They were eventually saved by second Islamic Caliph, Umar ibn Al-Khattab (may Allah be pleased with him) who allowed the Jews to live freely under his rule (
They were exiled from Jerusalem by the Christians of Europe after their initial successful religious crusade of the Holy Lands. At a local level, the preaching of the First Crusade ignited violence against Jews, which some historians have deemed "the first Holocaust" ( The Jews were eventually rescued by Salahadin Al-Ayubi (may Allah have mercy on him) where they were allowed to live in Palestine freely under the protection of the Muslims. (
The Jews in al-Andalus (Southern Spain and Portugal) were treated as second class citizens by the Christian rulers and often faced persecution for having different beliefs. When the Muslims conquered this region, Jews were welcomed in from all over the world to live under the protection of the Muslim Caliph. This gave rise to the "Golden age of Jewish culture in Spain" ( After the fall of al-Andalus in 1492, the incoming Christians banished the Jews from Spain who followed the Muslims to their lands.
The Jewish people faced momentous anti semitism throughout Western and Eastern Europe in the 19th and early 20th century. Much of it came as a result of bitter resentment due to the Jewish communities success in the financial markets as well as the intra-religious networks of Jewish trade which allowed the Jews to flourish. With the sanctions put on Germany after the Great War (World War One) and the subsequent rise of the Nationalistic party, the Nazis led by Hitler, the Jews became an easy scapegoat and became even more of a target. This brutal regime executed Jews by firing squads and sent masses to concentration camps to be gassed in un-ventilated chambers for simply being Jews. This would later be known as the Holocaust.
When the Nazis took over large parts of France including Paris, it was the predominantly North African Muslims in Paris who went out of their way, putting themselves in danger to protect the Jews. An independent French produced movie released in 2011 "Les Homme Libres" - "Free Men" in English - describes how the former Imam of the Grande Mosquée de Paris | مسجد باريس, Si Kaddour Ben Gabrit, offered shelter and Muslim identity to Jews. The masjid would house Jews in the basement away from Nazi soldiers and would provide false "Shahadah Certificates" to testify that they were infact Muslims in the event that Nazi soldiers suspected they were Jews.
During this time, the one place where Jews did not face any discrimination and had been living alongside the Muslims for centuries was the Arab World, more specifically, Morocco, Syria, Lebanon and Palestine. These countries had a higher number of Jews compared to the other Arab nations at the time. These countries were historically ruled under the supervision of the Islamic Caliph which gave freedom and protection to the Jews.
After thousands of years of Anti-Jewish sentiment, I can understand why the Jews felt the need to have their own state. A state where they could defend themselves from the evil consequences of Anti-Semitism. A state where they were liberated and free to practise their faith openly. Afterall, they had been persecuted by the Ancient Egyptians, The Romans, the Catholics and the Protestants. But during this time, the one group of people who always allowed the Jews their rights and protected them were the Muslims.
After the Second World War, a growing movement to put pressure on Europe to provide the Jews with their own independent state started gaining momentum. Not all Jews agreed to this since traditional orthodox Jews believe that the state of Zion will only form after the coming of their awaited Messiah. The Jews who ignored this became known as 'Zionists'. These European Zionist Jews asked the British for a large region of land which was under British control after the fall of the Islamic Caliphate. This land that was initially promised to be given to the treacherous Amir of Makkah as a gift for fighting against the Caliphate. This piece of land had a population over 90% Muslim. This land is were Jews were always given sanctity under the Muslim governance. The Zionists asked for Palestine and they were eventually given it. European Zionists literally arrived in their thousands and drove the indigenous Arab Muslims out by force and murder. The Zionists have been capturing more and more land every single day since. Their aim is to cleanse the region of Muslims by a variety of different means; intimidation, stealing of land, discrimination via two-tier system, sanctions on movement and ownership and murder.
Just thought you guys should know the historical relationship between the Jewish and Muslim people..