When the pious believer passes away, his soul is welcomed by thousands of angels and clothed with
the clothing of Jannah. The angels call him by his most beautiful names and attributes that people would call him by in the dunya. The angels ask eachother, 'Who is this beautiful soul?' They say, 'This is the soul of so and so, the truthful, the generous, the kind, the noble...' Imagine they say that this is the soul of a lover of the Messenger of Allah ﷺ.
The soul is taken up from heaven to heaven and greeted. Eventually a voice is heard which says, 'Write my servant in the register of those who will be granted the highest levels of Jannah.' The soul is then returned to the grave.
We came from Allah and to Him we shall return. May Allah grant the lovers and those who strived in the way of Allah and His Messenger of Allah ﷺ the highest abodes of Jannah.