Who was Osman Bey's wife?
During the Osman Bey period, there was the Asporça Hatun Foundation Charter (September 1323), the Mekece Foundation Charter (March 1324) during the Orhan Bey period, and the Gazi Orhan Bey Foundation Charter (March 1324). In these 3 foundation charter there are names of Osman Bey and Orhan Bey's family members. The first female name after the children's names is “Ömer Bey's daughter Mal Hatun”. Şeyh Edebalı and Bala Hatun are not names in these foundation charters.
Aşıkpaşazade, who lived in the 15th century and is one of the first historians of the Ottoman Empire, says that Osman Bey married Malhun Hatun, but that her father was Şeyh Edebalı.
Oruç Beğ, who lived in the 15th century and is one of the first historians of the Ottoman Empire, says that Osman Bey married Rabia Hatun and that her father was Şeyh Edebalı.
Neşri, who lived in the 15-16th century and is one of the first historians of the Ottoman Empire, says that Osman Bey married Malhun Hatun and that her father was Şeyh Edebalı.
Documents and the first Ottoman historians say these. The decision is yours.