HE WHO REVIVES JUST ONE SUNNAH OF MINE, will receive the reward of 100 martyrs!!!!
The prophet (PBUH) would recite the words “subhanal malikil quddus” glory be to the sovereign, the most holy, after every witr salah.
The story of these words is an amazing one.
They take us back to the time of the prophet Ibrahim. On the day Allah (GOD) almighty announced the prophet Ibrahim as khalilullah! The friend of Allah.
hazrat jibraeel (Gabriel) in the presence of Allah, asked his lord, “oh lord,you have made Ibrahim your friend? How enormous is this title! What is that quality that he posses for him to attain this title from you?
Allah replied “oh jibraeel, do you wish to see how much my servant Ibrahim loves me?
Jibraeel responds “oh my lord I have no doubt, but I wish to test Ibrahim to see his love and friendship for you.
Allah replies “Go forth jibraeel, and test my friend Ibrahim.
So the archangel jibraeel descended from the heavens, down to earth in the form of a man. He stood on top of a mountain in Makkah.
From the top of this mountain in a loud booming voice he recited these words.
The prophet Ibrahim was in the kaaba at that time. Soon as the sound of these words reached his ears, he immediately ran towards the mountain.
Upon reaching the mountain he saw the man.
Oh stranger! You have called the name of my lord! How you have praised him! Please let me hear these words once more!
Jibraeel had come to test Ibrahim, so he said “I will recite them to you again, but what will you give me in return?
Ibrahim replies “I will give you half of my herd of camels.
The archangel jibraeel again recited the words SUBHANAL MALIKIL QUDDUS!
Ibrahim agains says “please I wish to hear them again!
Jibraeel again says “what will you give me in return?
Ibrahim responds “I am ready to hand over the other half of my herd of camels to you” I just wish to hear them again.
The angle repeats the words SUBHANAL MALIKIL QUDDUS!
Again Ibrahim asks, please I wish to hear them words.
Jibraeel says “you have given me all you have, what will you give me now?
Ibrahim replies “now you have a herd of camels, you will require a shepherd to look after them. I will look after them for you as a servant for as long as i am alive. Please just let me hear them words one more time!
Upon hear these words the prophet Ibrahim let out a scream! lost consciousness and fell to the ground.
Jibraeel went to Ibrahim and a few moments later Ibrahim regained consciousness.
Jibraeel says “oh Ibrahim I am sorry, forgive me, I am no human, but I am in fact an angel of Allah jibraeel!
I wished to meet khalilullah! The friend of Allah, and test the love and friendship he has in his heart for his lord.
Today I have witnessed undoubtedly you are khalilullah! Surely you have earned this title!
The archangel jibraeel rushed back to Allah over joyed, and says “oh Allah just as I heard and even more today I witnessed the love your servant and friend Ibrahim has for yoru!