Whosoever has Allah in his heart, His helper in both worlds is Allah, And whoever has other than Allah in his heart, His opponent in both worlds is Allah."
Mawlana Jalaluddin Rumi (ra)

My Faiths Goal

May Allah Ta’ala grant us His Love and the Love of Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) , such that it becomes easy to give up all sins and submit to His Obedience. May He protect us all from the mischief of nafs and Shaytaan. May He fill our hearts with Love, Adab, Akhlaq and Sabr for this beautiful Deen and inspire us in being a practical and good Muslims and be true role-models to our community.
"I want to die with my forehead on the ground,the sunnah in my heart,Allah on my mind, the Quran on my tongue & tears in my eyes."


Through the Zikr of Allah Ta’ala one may achieve recognition and Maarifat of Allah Ta’ala.
(Hadhrat Moulana Muhammad Zakariyyah rahmatullahi ‘alayh)

"if one lives for Allah alone love and peace would prevail in this world. When one is inspired by this,then whatever one does becomes devotion to Allah."
(Khwaja Nizamuddeen Auliya rahmatullahi ‘alayh)

'Allah will aid a servant of His so long as the servant aids his brother.'
- Sahih Muslim

Light of Dawn

I wake with the light of the dawn whispering with joy in my heart and with praise on my lips. In stillness and twilight i stand before you bowing, prostating i call Allahu (swt).
My eyes see your beauty in the dawn's golden hues. My ears hear the thunder as it gloriies you. The rhythm of my heart beats the sound of your name. My breaths rise and fall with the tide of your praise. My soul knew and loved you before i was born and without your mercy is lost and fortorn.
Wherever i may wonder down the pathways of life, my cry to you Allah (swt), is "guide me to ligfht" through all fear and helpness, to you do i turn for your breath of healing and peacedo i yearn. For all that i have , my Allah (swt) all that i am is from you, is for you and to you will return. Inshallah
In the following months biographies of the Companions of the Prophet (s.a.w) will be published..


Connection with a soul


It really makes me think about the world we live in today. It's like despite how connected we are globally and how much we interact with each other, there's this growing sense that we're losing something essential - genuine empathy, compassion, and just being considerate of others.

In our fast-paced society, where technology is advancing rapidly, materialism is on the rise, and individualism is celebrated, it's easy for the core of humanity to get overshadowed. 

I mean, qualities like kindness, understanding, and that sense of being connected as a community sometimes seem to be taking a back seat.

You can see this playing out in everyday scenarios, like people burying themselves in their gadgets instead of having meaningful face-to-face conversations. Or when self-interest comes before the well-being of everyone. 

This quote really raises some valid concerns about whether we're letting go of the values that used to bind us together and whether we're still willing to lend a helping hand to those who need it.

Living in this age of constant information, fleeting

interactions, and differing opinions, it just hits home how vital it is to hold onto those fundamental human aspects. 

We need to remind ourselves to reflect on how we're acting, to embrace empathy, and to actively make a positive impact in a world where human

connection is just as important as our technological progress.