Whosoever has Allah in his heart, His helper in both worlds is Allah, And whoever has other than Allah in his heart, His opponent in both worlds is Allah."
Mawlana Jalaluddin Rumi (ra)

My Faiths Goal

May Allah Ta’ala grant us His Love and the Love of Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) , such that it becomes easy to give up all sins and submit to His Obedience. May He protect us all from the mischief of nafs and Shaytaan. May He fill our hearts with Love, Adab, Akhlaq and Sabr for this beautiful Deen and inspire us in being a practical and good Muslims and be true role-models to our community.
"I want to die with my forehead on the ground,the sunnah in my heart,Allah on my mind, the Quran on my tongue & tears in my eyes."


Through the Zikr of Allah Ta’ala one may achieve recognition and Maarifat of Allah Ta’ala.
(Hadhrat Moulana Muhammad Zakariyyah rahmatullahi ‘alayh)

"if one lives for Allah alone love and peace would prevail in this world. When one is inspired by this,then whatever one does becomes devotion to Allah."
(Khwaja Nizamuddeen Auliya rahmatullahi ‘alayh)

'Allah will aid a servant of His so long as the servant aids his brother.'
- Sahih Muslim

Light of Dawn

I wake with the light of the dawn whispering with joy in my heart and with praise on my lips. In stillness and twilight i stand before you bowing, prostating i call Allahu (swt).
My eyes see your beauty in the dawn's golden hues. My ears hear the thunder as it gloriies you. The rhythm of my heart beats the sound of your name. My breaths rise and fall with the tide of your praise. My soul knew and loved you before i was born and without your mercy is lost and fortorn.
Wherever i may wonder down the pathways of life, my cry to you Allah (swt), is "guide me to ligfht" through all fear and helpness, to you do i turn for your breath of healing and peacedo i yearn. For all that i have , my Allah (swt) all that i am is from you, is for you and to you will return. Inshallah
In the following months biographies of the Companions of the Prophet (s.a.w) will be published..



Maulana Rumi's (RA.) name was Muhammad and his title was Jalaluddin but generally he became known as Maulana Rumi (RA.). He was born in the town of Balkh in 604 A.H. and belonged to the family of Hazrat Abu Bakr. His father's name was Bahauddin bin Hussain Balkhy. Muhammad Khwarizm Shah Balkhy (d 617) was his maternal grandfather. In 610 A.H. Maulana 's father, Bahauddin, left Balkh and settled in Nayshapur. On arrival at Nayshapur, his father took him to the famous saint, Khwaja Fariduddin Attar (RA.) Maulana Rumi (RA.) was then 6 years old. Khwaja Fariduddin (RA.) gave them a copy of his Mathnavi as a present and said to his father,

"Do not be negligent of this able one. He will one day make his voice heard. "

Maulana Rumi (RA.) acquired his initial instructions from his father. The father chose his most foremost student and Mureed to be a teacher and mentor to the young boy and in this manner Maulana Rumi (RA.) studied most of the branches of knowledge under this student, Maulana Burhanuddin (RA.). At the age of 18 years, Maulana Rumi (R.A.) got married and in that same year he went with his father to settle in Qunya.

When Maulana Rumi (RA.) was 25 years old, his father passed away. Maulana then went to Syria for the sole purpose of completing his studies. For some time, Maulana stayed at the Madrassa Jaladiya in Halb (Alepo) where he also sought the spiritual guidance and blessings of Kamaluddin bin Adeem (RA.). Thereafter for 7 years he went to study in Damascus. At Damascus, Maulana Rumi (RA.) studied all the Mazaahib, Ilmul Kalaam, Fiqah and acquired a good knowledge of all the differences of opinions in deeni matters. He was also highly qualified in philosophy and tasawwuf. After the death of his father, Sayed Burhanuddin (RA.) was also his mentor on the path of tariqat for 9 years. Thereafter he spent the rest of his life in teaching and lecturing.
A complete transformation came over Maulana 's life from the moment he came into contact with Hazrat Shamsh Tabrezi (RA.). Shamsh Tabrezi (R.A.) was from a pious family which belonged to the Ismaili sect. He left his family sectarian connections, acquired knowledge and became a mureed of Baba Kamaluddin Jundy (RA.). In the company of the merchants he used to travel around from place to place.

Once he made a duah: "0 Allah, grant me the companionship of such a companion who will be able to bear my company". In reply to this duah the good news was given to him: "Go to Rum". He immediately set forth and soon reached Qunya where he arrived at a place of brass goods sellers. There was a platform whereupon the leaders always used to sit. It was at this place that the meeting between Maulana Rumi (RA.) and Shamsh Tabrezi (RA.) took place and from where their friendship and companionship commenced. From that day onwards, a complete change came over Maulana Rumi (RA.) and the fire of Divine love was kindled in his heart.

He avoided 'Sima', the listening to musical renderings. He also left teaching, lecturing and preaching. But he did not leave the company of Shamsh Tabrezi (R.A.) even for a little while.

However, a great commotion took place in the town with the result that Shamsh Tabrezi (R.A.) secretly left for Damascus. This caused Maulana tremendous sadness. After some time, some people noticing Maulana 's discomfort and uneasiness, went to call Shamsh Tabrezi (R.A.) back. But after staying for a short while, he again disappeared to an unknown destination. Although they searched for him, he could not be found. Some historians are of the opinion that he had been martyred. After the disappearance of Shamsh Tabrezi (R.A.), Maulana Rumi (R.A.) suffered tremendous uneasiness, restlessness and loneliness. It was during this troubled period that he once happened to pass by the shop of Salahuddin Zarkoob who was busy beating metal into thin leaves. At that moment a strange condition came over Maulana . Salahuddin did not stop beating the leaves and thus many leaves were lost. Finally Salahuddin allowed the shop to become squandered away and he joined the company of Maulana Rumi (R.A.). In this manner he spent 9 years with Maulana . Through this companionship Maulana was greatly consoled.

In 664 A.H. Salahuddin passed away and after his death Maulana chose Husamuddin Chulpi (R.A.) from among his mureeds to be his companion for as long as he lived. Thereafter, Maulana consoled his heart through this new companionship. Maulana used to respect and honour Husamuddin (R.A.) to such an extent that people were under the impression that he was Maulana 's spiritual guide. It was through the encouragement of Maulana Husamuddin (R.A.) that Maulana Rumi (R.A.) wrote the famous Mathnavi Shareef.

In 672A.H. a strong earthquake shook Qunya and for 40 days thereafter the vibrations were experienced. Maulana used to say that the earth was hungry and wanted a morsel. A few days thereafter Maulana became ill. Some very good physicians were called to treat him but to no avail and without success. On Sunday, the 5th Jamad-as-Thani 672, at the time of sunset, Maulana passed away.

The Janaza left the next morning. Everybody from the King to the poorest soul accompanied the Janaza. People were so emotional that they even broke the coffin in which the body was being transported for the sake of barakat. The Janaza reached the graveyard by the evening. Sheikh Sadruddin (RA.), a mureed of Sheikh Akbar Muhyuddin (RA.) together with his mureeds also followed the Janaza. He was appointed to lead the funeral prayer but as he stood ready to do so, he uttered a cry and fell unconscious. Thereafter, Qadi Sirajudd (RA.) lead the funeral prayers.

In accordance with the wasiyat of Maulana Rumi (R.A.), Hazrat Husamuddin (R.A.) became the Khalifa after him. Maulana left 2 sons; Ala-uddeen Muhammad and Sultan Wala. In 684 A.H., Hazrat Husamuddin (R.A.) also passed away and the next appointed Khalifa was Sultan Wala