Whosoever has Allah in his heart, His helper in both worlds is Allah, And whoever has other than Allah in his heart, His opponent in both worlds is Allah."
Mawlana Jalaluddin Rumi (ra)

My Faiths Goal

May Allah Ta’ala grant us His Love and the Love of Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) , such that it becomes easy to give up all sins and submit to His Obedience. May He protect us all from the mischief of nafs and Shaytaan. May He fill our hearts with Love, Adab, Akhlaq and Sabr for this beautiful Deen and inspire us in being a practical and good Muslims and be true role-models to our community.
"I want to die with my forehead on the ground,the sunnah in my heart,Allah on my mind, the Quran on my tongue & tears in my eyes."


Through the Zikr of Allah Ta’ala one may achieve recognition and Maarifat of Allah Ta’ala.
(Hadhrat Moulana Muhammad Zakariyyah rahmatullahi ‘alayh)

"if one lives for Allah alone love and peace would prevail in this world. When one is inspired by this,then whatever one does becomes devotion to Allah."
(Khwaja Nizamuddeen Auliya rahmatullahi ‘alayh)

'Allah will aid a servant of His so long as the servant aids his brother.'
- Sahih Muslim

Light of Dawn

I wake with the light of the dawn whispering with joy in my heart and with praise on my lips. In stillness and twilight i stand before you bowing, prostating i call Allahu (swt).
My eyes see your beauty in the dawn's golden hues. My ears hear the thunder as it gloriies you. The rhythm of my heart beats the sound of your name. My breaths rise and fall with the tide of your praise. My soul knew and loved you before i was born and without your mercy is lost and fortorn.
Wherever i may wonder down the pathways of life, my cry to you Allah (swt), is "guide me to ligfht" through all fear and helpness, to you do i turn for your breath of healing and peacedo i yearn. For all that i have , my Allah (swt) all that i am is from you, is for you and to you will return. Inshallah
In the following months biographies of the Companions of the Prophet (s.a.w) will be published..


Purification of the Soul

One of the most often quoted Hadith out of all the hundred of thousands of Ahadeeth, is the famous Hadith-e-Jibreel. In the Hadith, Jibreel asks various questions to Rasoolullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and one of those questions is as follows. What is Ihsaan? Rasoolullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam answered "It means that you should worship Allah as though you see Him. If you do not see Him, He nonetheless sees you." It is evident from this Hadith that the quality of Ihsaan, or perfection, is something quite different from virtuous deeds and faith. It is possible to reach this status through constant remembrance of Allah; realisation that Allah is always watching will make a person avoid all sins.

The department of Shariah relating to a’maal-e-zahiri (external actions) is called Fiqh (jurisprudence). The department relating to a’maal-e-batini (internal/states of the heart) is called Tasawwuf, Tariqah, Sulook or Tazkia-tun-nafs. All these terms have the same meaning and are other names for Ihsaan. Tasawwuf is infact to seek the perfection of the Deen. Its function is to purify man from the lowly bestial attributes of pride, anger, jealousy, lust, greed, vanity, deception, love for the world, etc. All the authentic principles of Tasawwuf are to be found in the Qur'an and Sunnah.

In the Majlis (gathering) of Rasoolullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam all branches of Islamic instruction - Tafseer, Hadith, Fiqh and Tasawwuf- were imparted all at the same venue. Separate departments did not exist. However in the Madrassa of Rasoolullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam there was a permanent group of lovers of Allah and his Rasool who were at all times engaged in the purification of the nafs, and the reformation of the batin by means of practical education. This group is called Ashab-e-Suffah. Later when Islam acquired a universal status, the Ulema of the Deen formulated the teachings of Islam into separate departments. Those Shaykhs who rendered service to the Knowledge of Ahadeeth are called the Muhadditheen; those who undertook the responsibility of Tafseer are called the Mufassireen: those who specialised in Fiqh are called Fuqaha while those Shaykhs who took custody of the department of Islah Batin (purification of the nafs) became known as the MaShaa'ikh (plural of Shaykh).

A mere glance at Rasoolullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam during his lifetime was sufficient to attain the rank of Ihsaan. Anas narrated that, "The day Rasoolullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam entered Madinah Munawwarah everything was enlightened and the day he passed away darkness descended on all things. After the demise of Rasoolullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam we had scarcely shaken off the dust from our hands after throwing sand into the grave and we already found a difference in the enlightenment of our hearts." I.e. The purity and light in our hearts was not like that which we sensed when seeing Rasoolullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam (when he was alive). (Narrated by Tirmidhi and Mishkaat.)

Merely being in the presence and believing in Rasoolullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam during his lifetime was sufficient to be able to reach the rank of Ihsaan. With the passing of time the quality of Ihsaan dropped. For this purpose spiritual mentors had to prescribe treatment and therapy.

As long as the sun shines everything can be read, but as soon as it sets then the light is needed. Hence during the time of the Sahaaba m the sun of apostleship had risen, there was no need to make an endeavour to realise the presence of Allah Ta’ala. That which could be achieved by just one glance at the beautiful and perfect face of Rasoolullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, cannot be attained in many months or even years of spiritual reformation. With the setting of the universal shining sun , the necessity has risen to earnestly strive for acquiring the quality of Hudhoor (continuous awareness of divine presence).

The Sahabah's fear of Allah is incomparable, likewise their steadfastness upon tawheed, love for Allah and his Messenger, truthfulness, trust, repentance, perseverance, sincerity, meditation, contemplation, abstention, truth, etc. All these lofty attributes which were inculcated in them have never been and will never be one equalled. The Sahaabah who are our examples and the criterion for truth have reached their status not through their innumerable sacrifices, spending their wealth or their incomparable bravery but only because they were blessed with the company of Rasoolullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam . This company took them from being the lowest of the low (common people) to being the highest of the high (the best generation).

Allah Ta’ala says "O people of Imaan! Fear Allah and join the company of the truthful." Joining the company of the truthful is to associate with the pious friends of Allah (AwliyaAllah/ MaShaa'ikh).

Rasoolullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said: "The likeness of a righteous companion is like a person with musk on him. Even if one does not acquire thereof you surely do smell the fragrance. And the likeness of an evil companion is like a person holding a smoking furnace. Should any sparks fly, it will burn the body or clothes and even if the sparks do not fly around, then still the smoke and smell thereof will reach you." This has been narrated by Bukhari and Muslim. There are many Hadeeth which command the Muslims to keep good company, because surely the company a person keeps will have an effect on him. The companionship of a pious man will induce piety in you. Similarly, the company of an evil man will induce evil in you. It is imperative for a person who wishes to get close to Allah and seek His pleasure to keep the company of the AwliyaAllah (friends of Allah).